Tide Advert (Representation)

1)Can I identify gender stereotypes? Can I identify gender anti-stereotypes?
some examples of gender stereotypes are:
  • Men are stronger than women.
  • Men can't cook.
  • Men can't multitask
  • Women do all the house work
  • Dumb Blonde stereotype
some examples for gender anti-stereotypes are:
  • Men can cook
  • Men are better at multitasking
  • Men do more housework
  • Men are sensitive
  • Women are the bread winners

2) How does our Tide advert construct stereotypical representations of women in the 1950s?
The Tide advert represents women as the perfect housewife, and aims to show their desire and goal to achieve domestic perfection, the women is shown as an attractive white women, as this would have suited the audience at the time.

3)What are patriarchal & matriarchal ideologies?
Patriarchal  = Power focus on Men/Father
Matriarchal = Power focus on Women/Mother

4)What is Stuart Hall's Theory of representation?
Hall argues that all representations are constructed through a language, that is made up of signs and codes that are understood by the audience. Stereotypes reduce people to few very simple characteristics. Stereotypes occur when there are inequalities of power.

5)What is David Gauntlet's Theory of Identity?
The media provides all of the tools and resources that you need to construct your own identity. In other words the media presents lots of different role models. People pick and mix different role models to construct your own identity.

6)What is Liesbet Van Zoonen's Feminist Theory?
Zoonen's theory went against representing women in traditional roles and sexist languages.

7)What is Bell Hooks' Feminist Theory?
Bell Hook's had a theory that people would use attractive white women as they are the most desirable thing for the audience, so in terms of advertisement and film, white women were used, as the were more fit to the western target audience.

8)How does our Tide advert reinforce or contradict these theories?
Representation: Tide advert follows this by showing the women as a desirable and relatable housewife, people know this look due to films and media at the time, so can relate to the imagery and representation
Identity: The advert portrays the women as the perfect domestic housewife, therefor following the theory of identity, as she is the role model and stereotype of most women at the time period
Feminist: This follows Hook's theory of using the desirable white women in your advertisement, in the 1950's when the poster was made, this was something that most western audiences could relate to, which is why the women is portrayed this way, therefore, it goes against Zoonen's theory.
9)What is Intertextuality?
Intertextuality is where a piece of media text is given meaning because of our understanding of other texts

10)How are stereotypical representations of gender challenged in WWII adverts for the 'Women's Land Army' and 'Rosie The Riveter - We Can Do It' adverts? Why was this challenge to stereotypical representations necessary at this time?

These adverts go against the stereotypical working housewife; they show women doing jobs that would previously only be done by men, this was necessary at the time of the writing, because in the war, men were off fighting, so women would be forced to take on the jobs, that were previously only done by men.


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