Lesson 3 : Tide Advert (Media Language)

1)What is denotation & connotation?
Denotation is the literal definition
Connotation is the cultural definition

2)What are the technical codes associated with print media?
Layout and Design - The way in which the document is physically presented, including font, colour and image choice as well as text positioning. Very often this will contribute to a house style, a repeatable, marketable set of criteria that help to identify the product and retain an audience.
Camera shots - As in moving image texts camera shots contribute to the intended meaning of a text. A close-up of a celebrity in a magazine may indicate the focus of the contents and the intended audience for the product.
Lighting- The way an image is lit contributes to the 'feel' and therefore possible genre interpretations of a text.
Use of Colour - Colours are instant meaning generators in many contexts and can immediately indicate mood, genre, intended audience and purpose. See perfume/ luxury goods adverts for examples.

3)How does our Tide advert follow conventions of print media?
The Tide advert follows conventions such as using bold colouring to stand out to the audience. also the design of the page is set out as a Z for people to easily follow with the eyes, and makes the print more easy for the audience to read. The rule of Thirds also applies here, as the focus of the image with the women is on the left, as it draws more focus from the consumer.

4)What is Roland Barthes Narrative Theory?
Hermeneutic/ Enigma Code (Puzzles in the narrative, that delay the end of the story, and maintain the audience’s attention, this muse be solved by the end, or it will leave the audience frustrated.)
Proairetic/Action code (Behaviours or actions, that lead us to expect, a further action or consequence)
Semantic Code (The use of connotation, to give the audience an insight into characters, objects or settings that we learn to read)
Symbolic Code (the process of representing an object, idea or feeling, as something else, it is a visual metaphor.)
Reverential/Cultural Code (The use of cultural specific knowledge from outside of texts.)

5)Where are these codes apparent in the Tide advert? (the set product)
The tide advert uses the reverential code, as we know the women does not literally love the product, be as a culture we associate the love with something that makes her life easier. The semantic also gives us insight into the character, as we see her as a stereotypical housewife; this again links back to the cultural code, as at the time, this is what most women were determined to become.

6)What is Levi-Strauss' Theory of Binary Opposition?

Action – a narrative device by which a resolution is produced through action, e.g. a shoot-out.
Enigma – a narrative device that teases the audience by presenting a puzzle or riddle to be solved. Works to delay the story’s ending pleasurably.
Symbolic – (connotation)
Semic – (denotation)
Cultural – a narrative device which the audience can recognize as being part of a culture e.g. a “made man” in a gangster film is part of the mafia culture.

7)How is the Tide advert set up in opposition to its competitors?
The Tide advert competes with its competitors by telling the consumer that their advert is the best one to buy. They also use images such as the women, who is portrayed as a movie star like figure, which the customer would aspire to be like, while doing something as simple as being he stereotypical housewife.


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