Production Planning Document - Mr Hood

1) What is a film treatment?
A film treatment is an initial planning of the film, including description, dialogue, and camera movements, this is an early plan, and can be adapted during the filming process.

2)What are the conventions of a film treatment?
  • Capitalise Character Introductions (Indicates to studio cast size)
  • Capitalise Camera Actions
  • First Page is a Title Page
  • Time-line, Location, Time of Day - before each setting
  • Use of adjectives for vivid settings description
  • Speech written with standard punctuation (speech marks, line spacing)
3) What is a film script?
A film script is a document which is written by screenwriters, and are the original work, which will include dialogue, settings, props, characters. And is formatted to be easily read (will be more formatted and less 'story like' than the film treatment.

4) What are the conventions of a film script?
  • Scene starts with INT (interior) or EXT (exterior), location, time of day
  • Title Page - author name + address
  • Paragraphs limited to 4-5 lines
  • Transitions written in capitals, followed by colon
  • Character cues appear in capitals, middle of page
  • Cues from left of page
  • Parenthesise used in character cue to indicate how to preform line.
  • No punctuation in dialogue
  • Written in courier font, size 12
5) What is a costume plot?
The costume plot states what the different characters attire for each scene throughout the productions. If they character wears the same clothing, this is stated with "same" If the character is not present, the box will be crossed out.


There should be clear instructions to the attire, not vague (casual) give examples

6) What is a props list?
States what props are needed and for which character. set out in a table with instructions on scenes, locations, and a description of the item itself.


7) What is a storyboard?
"A storyboard is a series of diagrams that shows a sequence of disaplys."

8) What are the conventions of storyboards?
  • Storyboard traditionally square box - changed to rectangular boxes due to change in screen sizes.
  • Description of the scene, actions, characters, made under each picture.
  • More detailed storyboards will include sections for key parts - Action, Camera, Dialogue, Audio and Transitions 
9) What is an animatic?
An animatic is a preliminary version of the film, which is shot through successive sections of a storyboard, adding the soundtrack behind. Used as a baseline for later filming.

10) What is a risk assessment?
A risk assessment checks and provides a list of possible dangers during the filming of the production, this can include hazards environmentally (if filmed out of a studio) or due to the actions of the characters in the scene.

11) What is a shooting schedule?
A shooting schedule is a project plan of each day's shooting for a film production. It is normally created and managed by the assistant director, who reports to the production manager managing the production schedule. Both schedules represent a timeline stating where and when production resources are used.

The schedule will include descriptions of the filming that will take place, the location and departments and characters which will be involved. also including scene information and time


Image result for shooting schedule example

12) What is a release form?
The media release form is a document that is used by someone who would need to acquire written permission to use another person’s photographs, being still or video for media publications. In signing this form, the grantor would waive all rights to inspect the images or approve them, once they have been completed, in any way. The grantor will also agree that they will receive no compensation of any kind to include royalties from the use of any of their images.

Image result for release form example


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