Semiotic Analysis - Woman Magazine - Mr Hood

Magazine features a dominant central image, attractive female, who can be relatable with the general public. (Conventional for Woman magazine, often shows different woman as main figurehead of each magazine.)

Magazine cover features prominent title 'Woman' at the top centre of the page (Conventional for Woman magazine) Word woman clearly draws in the target audience of the magazine, stating who this advert is for. Generalised word choice also means it will not appeal to a single class of people.
Title written in 'Serif' font, to appear more inviting an less serious, so it will appeal to readers

Cover Lines:
Uses conventional mix of lower and upper case, which the magazine uses to introduce one of the main stories / features of the magazine "ALFRED HITCHCOCK" Which will give insight to the reader on what they will be reading.
Blends into the side of the image, does not stand out too directly, which allows for the prominent image to still have the main pull on the consumer.
Overall very conventional for the time period.

Main Image:
Shows an ideal looking woman, who is not overly glamorous, so she is more relatable with the wider audience.
Connotations of the standard British Housewife, image easily identifiable to the majority of readers, and will attract the majority of women during the time period.
Features a direct gaze/mode of address, and is conventionally smiling, which connotes the feeling that woman will feel after reading the magazine. (due to what you will learn from reading)

Uses bold white writing in the masthead, which contrasts the rest of the cover, so the title and information stands out more clearly.
Uses a mixture of 'Serif' and 'Sans-Serif' to clearly differentiate the information shown. The bottom information of the magazine uses 'Sans-serif' so it will clearly show and state seriousness of the question "Are you an A-Level Beauty' (which is used as an enigma that people will want an answer too)

Uses a very feminine and traditional colour scheme, which draws to the main target audience of women.
Colours used blend well together, and create a calm tone, which creates a less serious tone to the magazine.
Allows for the main image to be prominent, which shows the stereotype of the classic 'housewife' which would be appealing during the time period.

Language/Anchorage of images and text:
"special magic" creates a fantasy-esc image, of what the ideal woman will be like, and that the result will be magical.
"Seven  Star Improvement" goes against the conventional "Five Star" to show that this is better than anything you will have seen before.
"Woman" appeals to no single class of woman, allowing for a wider audience.
"Your" appeals directly to the reader, drawing them in, making them feel more involved with the product, and wonder how it will effect them personally.

Elements of narrative:
Uses the Enigma "Are you an A-level beauty" which will draw in the consumer, to find out what makes an "A-level beauty" so they will know how to become one.
Also there is an Enigma of simply wondering how to become more like the woman shown on the main image, which also draws in the consumer.


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