Newspaper Bias

Political Alignment of different news sources 

What factors may impact on news objectivity?
Factions that can influence the writing of the news article can include the personal views and opinions of the team (most notably the editor) The audience of the news paper will also influence the agenda of the content, in attempt to appeal to the customers to encourage continued support.

What journalistic techniques are used that allow bias to 'creep in' to the news?

Forms of Media Bias:

Bias through selection and omission- Information simply left out, to avoid the customer seeing these views.
Bias through placement- Stories will be positioned carefully, so that the intended biased stories are more noticeable, whereas the opposing views will appear into the paper, and will stand out less to the customer.

Bias by headline- Headlines will usually show either a positive or negative attitude towards a topic.
Bias by photos, captions and camera angles- Images and their captions can clearly show a motive, or focus on certain aspects of a story.

Bias through use of names and titles- Using their name can show alignment and respect whereas referring to people with nicknames can push a narrative.

Bias through statistics and crowd units- Crowd counts can be used to skew the opinion of those viewing stories.

Bias by source control- Certain sources will push certain narratives which are aligned to certain agendas.

Word choice and tone- Positive or negative language can show bias in stories.


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