Stuart Hall Polysemy

Preferred, Oppositional and Negotiated Readings
Preferred reading - The reading that the producers intended you to take.
Oppositional reading -The opposite of the producers intended reading. (Understand the meaning, but take the opposite view)
Negotiated reading - In the negotiated view, the reader accepts the preferred reading generally, but adapts it to their own ideology.
PC Gamer magazine – Example
The preferred reading of the magazine is to attract to pc gamers, and people who are interested in the games mentioned.  If you have played the first Dishonored game and enjoyed it, you would be interested in picking up the magazine to find out more about the 2nd, or if you are interested in the company who made the game, to find out more about their work.
Some people will take an oppositional view because they dislike the games on the cover; they would be discouraged from buying it, as they have no interest.
People might have a negotiated view, because they have played the first Dishonored game, and are put off by the 2nd one, as they presume it will be as bad as the first one


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