Lesson 1 : Genre

1)What is meant by film genre, sub-genre & hybrid genre?
Genre is a way of categorizing a particular media text according to its content and style. Genre plays a major role in the way films are planned, produced and packaged by the studios and the way they are consumed and understood by audiences. This could either be in a form of hybrid genres or sub genres as well as a single genre. A hybrid genre would be the combining of two standard genres, for example and action thriller (Taken). A Sub genre is a extension withing a genre that has been defined over time, to develop its own ideas and trends, for example a Horror-Slasher (Scream)

2)What are film conventions?
Film conventions are commonly followed practices that are used in the making of multiple mediums, and are things that have become expected from certain genres and settings for different texts of media. Codes and conventions are used together in any study of genre – it is not enough to discuss a technical code used such as camera work, without saying how it is conventionally used in a genre.For example, the technical code of lighting is used in some way in all film genres. It is a convention of the horror genre that side and back lighting is used to create mystery and suspense – an integral part of any horror movie.

3)What is Steve Neale's Theory of Repetition & Difference?
Steve Neale stated that genres are "instances of repetition and difference" which suggested that different pieces of media texts are defined based on how they follow the normal conventions and genre stereotypes that have been put in place. He also suggests that they must be followed to be recognized as a true piece of media text.


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