Lesson 6 - Demographics

1. What AGE RANGE is the Water Aid ad aimed at? Why?
The advert is aimed are 18 and over, because they are unable to donate unless they are over 18, the age range is appealed to a high amount of people, because they want donations from anyone of any age.

2. Which ATTITUDE/BELIEF group do you think is being targeted? Why?
Societally Conscious Achievers would be the main attitude that this advert is focused at, because of their desire for inner peace and making the world a better place, also due to their finances being less important to them, they are likely to donate, and help make a difference to others. The imagery of the environment at the beginning of the advert would also appeal to these types of viewers, which enforces this. The advert would not be focused at Belongers however, because they would feel more inclined to help their own communities, before another countries first.

3.Which of MASLOW's hierarchy do you think the producers were targeting? How did they target it?
The Adverts main focus would be towards people in the 1st and 2nd category of the hierarchy, because if the person watching inst living comfortably themselves, and is also in need of financial help, they would be less inclined to help someone else first. The advert enforces this by showing a comfortable looking modern life at the start, something that people who have basic needs to associate themselves with, and would realize that people in Africa don't have this, and want to help them due to sympathy and guilt.

4. Which Class group do you think charity advertising is aimed at? Why?
The advert would be aimed towards the lower/upper middle class and higher, because these people are already living comfortable enough lives, and would not see any real effects of donating some money to a charity, unlike someone of lower class, who would be less likely to handle a financial hit of their own. As said, the imagery shown at the start is comparable to a comfortable middle class life, and it would encourage these people to help others out, when they are show how much more they have than people in need.


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