Lesson 4 - Tide Print Advert

1. How can we use Stuart Hall's polysemy to make sense of the audience responses to this product?
Stuart Hall's theory of polysemy can be used to distinguish the different meanings of the advert, and the interpretation that can be took on it, for example the clear response to the advert is that women want Tide to become the perfect housewife.

2. Can I suggest a preferred reading of this text?
The preferred reading of the text is that you women will buy the product, because they want the cleanest whites, and want to strive towards becoming the prefect house wife, and aspire to be similar to the women on the front.

3. Can I suggest an oppositional reading?
One of the oppositional readings could be if you instead purchased another companies products, therefor you would be opposed to buying this one as you are loyal to another brand, some women may also oppose this as they dislike the stereotype shown on the front, and may move against this stereotype by not purchasing it.

4. What is Direct Mode of Address?
The Direct message of this is that they want you to buy the product, it also uses command words such as "remember" so you are being dictated to do something by the product.

5. What is Indirect Mode of Address?
The indirect mode of address shown on the advert is how the women is hugging the product in the image, this is indirect as you are lead to wonder why the women is doing this, and you have to think about what the actual relationship represents between this image is.

6.How does this advert Cultivate the ideas of the audience? 
The advert helps cultivate the idea of the audience because it focus' on what the audience know and want in the time when it was made, the attractive, white women image in the 1950's suited the western audience. also the audience know that there are other brands to chose from out there, so the advert acknowledges this by telling you that they are the best, and you should pick them over any other.

7.Van Zoonen's response
Zoonen responded by suggesting that the status of women has changed within the media, and they are being represented in a positive, more dominant role across the media, more independent and equal to men. This in turn has led to social change for women.


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