Lesson 2 : Shot Distances & Camera Movements

1)What is the media language associated with shot distance & camera movement?
The use of shot distance and camera movement can greatly impact the message that is given to the audience about a scene, and helps the audience understand and create dramatic effect. for example on a close up shot you are able to focus attention to that character and the emotions going through them (this makes them the subject of the shot)

2)How is camerawork used to construct meaning?
The meaning that can be given from camerawork includes a focus of emotion which can be given to a character, and also the ability for the audience to receive information that the character don't yet know, which adds more suspense, and can lead to a more dramatic scene. For example in the close up shot from a Western Shootout scene, you can see the focus one of the combatants eyes; one again keeping the audience on edge.

Technical Codes of Film (Camera Movement)
Dutch Tilt
Tracking Shot
Dolly Shot
Crane Shot
Pedestal Shot
Hand Held
Dolly Zoom

Technical Codes of Film (Shot Types, Shot Distances & Shot Angles)
Establishing Shot
Aerial Shot
Point of View Shot (POV)
Extreme Close Up
Very Close Up
Close Up
Medium Close Up
Medium Shot
Medium Long Shot
Long Shot
Very Long Shot
Extreme Long Shot
High Angle Shot
Low Angle Shot
Eye Level Shot


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