Water Aid Audio/Visual Advert : Rain for Good (Representation)

Why might the public become "desensitised" to traditional fundraising tactics?
Because they have already been exposed to this tactic along time, they might think that these charities are not working, because the problems don't seem to have gone away yet, so by changing the tactics, it shows progress towards the charities goals. They become immune to the representation

What is an archetype?
The archetype is the original representation something. for example - Mrs Brown as archetype of Irish Mother.

In the advert, how is Claudio represented? What codes are used to construct these representations?
The dress codes of the advert’s main female character include a stereotypical knee-length skirt and pink colour palette in both her top and shoes. Her age is similar to the other young women she walks past at 00.30 and those who join her at the water pump at 01.00. This connotes that she has perhaps had to "grow up too quickly" because of the tough environment in which she lives.

What do you think is meant by a "shared conceptual road map"? (Stuart Hall's Representation Theory)
The shared conceptual road map is the stereotypical approach and image of what is expected from the audience. the images of a dry, dusty African environment in which people may be struggling to survive.

How could Claudio be considered a role model? (David Gauntlett)
Claudio could be seen as a role model due to people seeing her living through these conditions, and people see her still happy despite this, people will sympathise and admire her for this, making her their role model.

How does the advert reinforce and/or contradict Liesbet Van Zoonen's Feminist Theory?
by assuming the stereotypically male roles of ‘protagonist’ and ‘provider’, Claudia is perhaps contributing to social change by representing women in non-traditional roles. The work involved in collecting the water is physically challenging (non-traditional for female roles) though the advert does reinforce stereotypes of women being associated with care of children.

What is colonialism?
Colonialism is the establishment, exploitation, maintenance, acquisition, and expansion of colony in one territory by a political power from another territory. It is a set of unequal relationships between the colonial power and the colony and often between the colonists and the indigenous population.

How does the advert support Gilroy's ethnicity & post-colonial theories?

The advert encourages the British people to help the charity, because they feel they have power and the capability to help, due them being reminded of their colonial powers back from the British Empire.


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