Lesson 5: Video Production

180 degree rule
The 180° rule is a cinematography guideline that states that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another . When the camera passes over the invisible axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line and the shot becomes what is called a reverse angle.

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is the positioning of the focus of the camera shot, the main focus is best kept on away from the center, as is is more pleasing on the eyes for the audience, and the overall quality of the filming will be better.

Continuity editing

Continuity editing is making sure that over multiple shots it flows and there are no changes; for example if there are two shots of the same scene, and then the main actors hairstyle changes on the shot transition, this would be a continuity error. With editing you can sometimes find a point at which the footage can still connect, and avoid showing the continuity error.

Diegetic sound

Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film:

Non Diegetic sound
Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action:


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