Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory

Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory Notes –
People’s opinions around the world, are based off of television cultivating attitudes, instead of personal experience. This brings people’s views to a more middle of the road political perspective.
Categories of viewers
Light Viewers = <2 Hours                   Medium Viewers= 2-4 Hours                  Heavy Viewers = >4 Hours
1)  A survey of 450 New Jersey schoolchildren, 65% of heavy viewer’s compared to 62%  of light viewers gave the TV answer to a question asking them to estimate the number of people involved in violence in a typical week. The same survey showed that children who were heavy viewers were more fearful about walking home alone in a city at night.
2)  A study of an American college students found that heavy soap opera viewers were more likely than alight viewers to over-estimate the number of real life married people who had affairs, or who had been divorced and the number of women who had abortions.
3)  One controlled experiment addressed the issue of cause and effect, manipulating the viewing of American college students to create heavy and light viewing groups. After 6 weeks of controlled viewing, heavy viewers of action adventure programmes were indeed found to be more fearful of life in the everyday world than the light viewers were.
The media will often show controversial views, as people will watch it, and reacting against it, such as with Katie Hopkins. However people will be exposed to this for a long time and start to believe these messages as truths.


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