I, Daniel Blake - Marketing & Funding


A UK/French co-production, it received funding from the BFI and BBC Films. Being funded by these organisations is significant as the film goes against large corporations, as it includes many socialist left wing views, making this an unconventional film for these companies to fund. However, they may be trying to appeal to wider lower class audiences, to increase their long term publicity and gain more following for future projects.


Where and how are films and their marketing most likely to be consumed by audiences?
Due to changes in the way that films are available to the public, watching the movie broadcasted online is now a readily available way to watch movies, through companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Sky Movies ect.. Movies are also available by traditional methods such as the Cinema, in which you are able watch the movie earlier, which appeals to audiences. Also there are physical cd releases, this usually contains special features/ directors cuts/ behind the scenes, to help sell the product.

How has this consumption changed/been impacted by the ubiquity of online and social media?
Because of new trending views spreading around the internet, people will see this film as expressing socially liberal views, which spreads a political message, which will spread around the media, and therefore increase publicity of the film.

Are audiences now more likely to seek out marketing (e.g. new trailers) online as active consumers?

Social media means that trailers are spread rapidly around the internet through "shares", "tweets", and recommendations across different social media companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, and on YouTube, which has become a prominent method of advertising. Film trailers are also advertised on the TV, which is still widely accessible and broadcasted, on channels such as ITV, Channel 4 etc.


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