The Sweeney - Conventions Mr Allsopp

What conventions of the crime show, particularly the '70's cop show' are evident. RESISTS

Recurring situations
In the pub before/after a crime
Police station/offices, with the 'gov'
investigation of crime scenes
criminal gets away
car chase
beating up the criminals
interrogating the criminal

Elements of narrative
Focus on fighting the crime (not the court side)
always beats up the criminal
Criminal always caught, police always win

cinematic, action focused narrative
close up shots on effects, explosions, facial expressions (draws in the audiences)

Fast cars, police clothing shown to contrast traditional police attire (goes against political correctness in society)
Guvnor shown to appear smart, represent authority
Criminals hard to differentiate from the police, doesn't matter, focus on action.

Rough areas on streets
police station

Crime does not pay
Police result to violence to get the job done
officers going against what seen as 'politically correct'
goes against traditional police shows

Stock Characters
police guvnor


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