Water Aid Advert Questions

Preferred Reading – The preferred reading of the text is that you would first sympathise with the people in the advert, and then see how happy having the water makes them. This along with being told how many still need water (650 million) will encourage you to donate to the charity.
Oppositional Reading – Some people may assume that due to them already having water in the video, they don’t need to donate personally. People may disapprove of the use of children in the video to get a higher chance of people donating, and feel as if the children are being used for monetary gain. Some people may simply not believe the charity, and think that this is a money raising scheme, and money instead goes to people who own the charity. (They keep 25%)
Negotiated Reading – You may like the idea of charity, but not trust that the money will be going to the right place. Or you may not be able to afford the cost to donate.
Gerbner – The advert will focus on the children, as people will be more encouraged and sympathetic towards them, and will be more likely to donate. The ideology that this advert relies on is that you will want to help people in need, and be likely to donate. Repetition of Africa in need, makes people generalise Africa as a place with no water, and in need of help.


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